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Aph Precision Fabrication Ltd

Aph Precision Fabrication Ltd

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Unit 5 Overthorpe Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 4SX

Why Choose Us?

  • First Class Service
  • Made to Measure
  • Years of Experience

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Aph Precision Fabrication Ltd have years of experience in creating Top level motorsport, Prototype and Pre production exhaust systems, including Historic racing, Hillclimb (Modern and Historic) F1, Indycar, Wrc and other rally championships, Btcc, Drag racing as well as Historic motorcycles and Superbikes. We work with the latest super alloys as well as being able to reverse Engineer Systems for everything from Pre war racing cars onwards. We also have a wealth of knowledge of fabrication in other industries including Aerospace/Aviation, Marine, Industrial and Marine Gas Turbines, Medical, Food and Drink and Architectural.


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