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Car Repair World

Car Repair World

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8 Victoria Street, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 1PR

Why Choose Us?

  • First Class Service
  • Made to Measure
  • Years of Experience

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At CarRepairWorld, we take pride in delivering more than just car repairs; we offer an unparalleled automotive experience. With years of industry expertise, our team of dedicated professionals is committed to redefining the standards of excellence in car care.    At CarRepairWorld, we understand the pivotal role the automotive industry plays in shaping the environmental landscape. Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond repairing vehicles; it\,s about driving positive change. From eco-friendly practices in our facilities to promoting responsible disposal methods, we are dedicated to minimizing our ecological footprint. We strive to adopt and implement the latest advancements in green technology, ensuring that our services contribute to a healthier planet.


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