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Claire Hershman

Claire Hershman

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36 Welson Rd, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 2NP

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  • First Class Service
  • Made to Measure
  • Years of Experience

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A psychotherapist who has studied under many of the most inspiring teachers and gifted professionals in the field.

As an experienced psychotherapist and counsellor, Claire provides psychotherapy to individuals and couples who feel held back from leading healthy fulfilling lives or are unable to enjoy rewarding relationships. The sessions are collaborative with a focus on helping you make the changes you need to move forward by re-imagining, rebuilding and enhancing your life.

​Clients include writers, journalists, designers, photographers, actors and musicians — many of whom appreciate flexibility in scheduling (such as after hour or telephone sessions).

Claire has been a Psychotherapist and Counsellor for over 30 years, having worked with the NHS and as a private practitioner in London. She holds Senior Accreditation with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, and a is a certified BUPA Recognised Provider.  

Claire has recently moved her practice to work with individuals, couples, and families in  Folkestone, Ashford, Canterbury, and the surrounding region.​


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