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Ds Roofing North Cumbria Limited

Ds Roofing North Cumbria Limited

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66 Rye Close, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA2 4SZ

Why Choose Us?

  • First Class Service
  • Made to Measure
  • Years of Experience

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Our roofers have \,City and Guilds\, qualifications in roofing contracting and specialise in roofing, giving you the confidence that our roofing work is managed and carried out by experts. The Contractors Health and Safety Scheme(CHAS) is a trusted organisation which checks their members adhere to strict and robust health and safety guidelines in every job they undertake. Our contractors are all trained to the standards set out by the CITB. They have all been assessed on both theory and practical skills and knowledge.That is why you can have great confidence in us.


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