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Highcliffe House Clearance

Highcliffe House Clearance

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25 Barrs Avenue, New Milton, Hampshire, BH25 5HL

Why Choose Us?

  • First Class Service
  • Made to Measure
  • Years of Experience

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Business overview

Highcliffe House Clearance is a family run business that started in the 1970’s. We provide a high-quality house clearance service and have an impeccable reputation (just look at our feedback). We offer a professional and cost-effective solution when clearing houses, bungalows, flats, garages, sheds, attics, farms, barns, offices, warehouses and storage units. Our team work very closely with families, executors, estate agents and solicitors. We try and make the process as pain-free as possible, as we understand that families/executors are not always local to the properties that require clearing. We can help organise/recommend electricians, plumbers, cleaners if there is an issue within the property and help the families/executors get the property ready for sale. We can also provide a probate valuation if required.  Highcliffe House Clearance hold a valid Waste Carriers Licence and Public Liability Insurance that can viewed upon request.


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