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Infinity Landscapes

Infinity Landscapes

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23 Fenton Close, Liverpool, Merseyside, L24 3UH

Why Choose Us?

  • First Class Service
  • Made to Measure
  • Years of Experience

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Business overview

A family-run business located in Liverpool, Infinity Landscapes has spent years working on both domestic and commercial properties across the UK. We specialise in a wide range of hard and soft landscaping services, including fencing, patios, decking, turfing, water features, block paving, new lawns and planting. At Infinity Landscapes, we offer a bespoke service, tailoring each job to the unique requirements of the customer. This, coupled with our attention to detail, ensures a high-quality finish every time. We can also provide regular maintenance programmes to ensure any garden retains its pristine appearance. To find out more about us and our services, call today.


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