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JJ Bead Jewellery & Craft Designs Ltd

JJ Bead Jewellery & Craft Designs Ltd

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37 Abingdon Road, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU4 0EE

Why Choose Us?

  • First Class Service
  • Made to Measure
  • Years of Experience

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Looking for the perfect gift? Look no further than JJ Bead Jewellery & Craft Designs Ltd – we have everything you need to find the perfect present for anyone! With a wide variety of handmade accessories, we can design an accessory just for you. From bracelets and necklaces to keyrings, we have something for everyone. Whether you want a product that’s trendy and in-demand, or something more personalised and specialised, JJ Bead Jewellery & Craft Designs Ltd has you covered. Contact us today to get started on finding the gift of a lifetime!


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