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Liz Greenway Psychotherapy & Organisational Consultancy

Liz Greenway Psychotherapy & Organisational Consultancy

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Flat 2 Subriel House, Canada Water, London, SE16 7HQ

Why Choose Us?

  • First Class Service
  • Made to Measure
  • Years of Experience

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Does life or work or relationships feel like they\,re getting on top of you? Are you struggling with your mood, feeling in a muddle, or out of sorts? Could you benefit from a place to take some time-out? Do you need time and space for you? Do you want to take the first step? Liz has been offering psychotherapy in Canada Water and providing counselling in Victoria and vice versa for over 15 years and works with individuals on an open-ended basis or for an agreed time period, with the aim of enabling you to enhance your life and to live it more fully. 


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