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Pro Supreme Clean Ltd

Pro Supreme Clean Ltd

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18 Victor Place| Thatcham, Reading, Berkshire, RG75SX

Why Choose Us?

  • First Class Service
  • Made to Measure
  • Years of Experience

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Pro Supreme Clean based in Reading, Berkshire provide a friendly, professional commercial and residential window cleaning service throughout West Berkshire. We use the latest high reach water fed pole cleaning system to clean windows, using de-ionised pure water with no added chemicals. When we clean your windows we also clean the frames, sills and doors every time, and that’s our promise.   Using our high reach pole system, our trained operatives can safely reach high windows that are normally difficult to reach using ladders and traditional cleaning methods. Pro Supreme Clean only use the water fed pole system where, the water is fed through the poles to the brush heads, making it easy to clean glass, window frames and sills at the same time. The pure water will then be left to dry, leaving your windows streak free with a sparkling, longer lasting finish.


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