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Simple Clearance Solutions Ltd

Simple Clearance Solutions Ltd

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Plot 3 Dooley Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk, IP11 3HG

Why Choose Us?

  • First Class Service
  • Made to Measure
  • Years of Experience

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Business overview

Simple Clearance Solutions is a Customs Clearing agent broker offering an extensive service giving us the ability to Import and customs clear cargo through most of the UK major ports such as Felixstowe, Immingham, Purfleet, Wisbech, Hull, Tilbury, Teesport, Dover, Southampton and London Gateway including the shuttle into Folkestone, providing direct access from Europe via most ferry operators which not only covers inventory linked cargo but also non-inventory linked cargo along with GVMS. We also have a vast connection link throughout the country for any Full Load Containers aka FCL and Less than Container Loads aka LCL to enable us to devan, unpacking / unloading, and reloading onto curtain-sider requirements you may have. Since October 2022, HMRC regulations require containers, trailer units, RORO entering the UK are now inputted on the new Customs Declaration System aka CDS and we are here to help with any questions or applications you may have involved with the new system to keep your shipments moving in a timely fashion, whether coming from Europe or Worldwide. Simple Clearance Solutions is registered with IPAFF, PEACH and DEFRA enabling us to assist with formalities required by Port Health on perishable and non-perishable foods and pharmaceuticals that require Health certificates, CED CVED CHEDP applications. Alongside this we have the facilities to deal with FLEGET forestry certificates. Our Import Clearance Operations Clerks at Simple Clearance Solutions Limited provide a top of the range customer care service giving efficient, friendly, with extensive knowledge on a wide variety of shipments and services for both Sea and Road freight from European countries and worldwide. We not only support the experienced day to day Importer but also the new to the shipping industry, your business is our business.


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