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Smart Engineering Services Ltd

Smart Engineering Services Ltd

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1 Manor Cottages, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 6JZ

Why Choose Us?

  • First Class Service
  • Made to Measure
  • Years of Experience

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Over the years, we\,ve worked on a number of different projects in places like Germany, Australia, Sweden and Dubai. This has encompassed work on major endeavours such as the Singapore Downtown Line, the EuroFighter Typhoon and Dubai\,s Palm Jumeirah Transit monorail. We even worked as a RAMS consultant with the Swedish Space Corporation (SCC) where we performed FMECAs and PSA/WSAs on the major power and control sub-systems for the European Space Agency\,s SMART-1 spacecraft. To get a better idea of the number of projects we\,ve undertaken and their nature, take a look at Paul\,s CV.


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